A stojí za zmínku, že tento výraz je docela oprávněný. Dnes je všechno možné. A žena, o které vám dnes povíme, je tomu dobrým příkladem.

73letá Joan MacDonald z Kanady na svém příkladu prokázala světu, že věk neškodí aktivnímu životnímu stylu. Stáří vůbec neznamená, že musíte, řekněme, jen trávit čas v očekávání konce.

Jednou, když paní MacDonaldovánavštívila lékaře, který předepisoval léky na stáří, se žena rozhodla změnit svět kolem sebe. A pak se rozhodla udělat fitness.

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Here is my everyday stretch that I do and it’s called The World’s Greatest Stretch. (Outfit is by @womensbest ) 🌸🌸 I do one set on each side and it takes me about a minute per side. I started doing this stretch when I had lost the first 30 lbs and my vertigo was in check. 💕💕 Now that I’ve been practicing for a couple of years I can really see the change in my agility. It just goes to show you, all you need to do is keep chipping away at the block and “miracles” will occur. When you see my videos now, always remember that I started from a very challenging place: overweight, old, and exhausted. I never thought much about the end result. I honestly think that might have overwhelmed me. Instead I just kept my head down and focused on the task at hand. In this case I started out with simple stretches like the calf wall stretch and the simple runners stretch. As the weight came off and I could move a little better, my coach @yourhealthyhedonista graduated me to this stretch (which was still very very awkward and difficult when I started out). So please if you are in a bad state right now, don’t get overwhelmed by how far you have to go. Rest assured that with daily effort and consistency it will all come together for you. Get to work on focusing on the small, daily improvements that are the essential early steps on this long journey. Enjoy each step of the way. 🙏 Keys to this stretch: 1) keep a tight core and even breathing 2) keep your feet in alignment and move slowly really allowing yourself to get balanced 3) take the stretch to where it is uncomfortable but not painful. That may mean many things to different people but I always aim to push myself myself just a little bit further each day, as long as my breath and awareness are calm 💕💕 . Gym: @tulumstrengthclub . #womensbestwear #womensbest #yoga #stretching #mobility #fitover70.

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A lot of you keep asking me how I got started. I know for those of you just beginning with this, it all seems so overwhelming and maybe you doubt yourself, and wonder if you have what it takes. I know sometimes those doubts and fears can take the wind right out of your sails before the boat even gets a chance to leave the harbor. Well, I’m here to tell you that you CAN do it, that you DO have what it takes and that all the changes that this long journey will entail will be worth it. 💕 . When I look back I find it difficult to remember exactly what motivated me to get started. At this point I need an old photograph or video to really remind me of where I started from. But when I really go back in time I can catch little glimpses..I start to remember how angry and easily upset I used to be, how frustrated and disheartened I used to feel. I never let people take photos of me because I couldn’t accept where I was and yet, I also couldn’t seem to change. It was a very tough place to be, and I stayed in that place for a very long time. It was a night just after New Years when I had my breakthrough. My daughter was home for a powerlifting meet, and she must have tried everything in the books to try to get me onboard with her online training program for women. She was very worried about my health, and especially because she found out I was taking pills for my heart. I remember she made up a little chant for me to help me get out of my head, and into my heart. I think at some point we can become our own worst enemy, and lose faith in our ability to take care of ourselves and to make a change for the better. I love to sing, and the words of the chant were: “My life, my body, is a gift to the Lord”. We sang it over and over again, and I cried. For me, it really helped me tap into something greater than myself. Thinking that the work I faced was a duty I owed to a force greater than me helped me out of that dark place. That idea, plus hard work, helped get me to where I am now. If my journey can help some of you light your own candle and get going, then I am at peace knowing I’ve helped you in some small way. Love Joan xo . @paulbuceta

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Nyní Joan dokonce představuje i obálky časopisů. Musíme se od ní hodně učit.

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42 vs 72. Who did it better? 😅😅😅 I had to dig up some old photos of myself for an upcoming interview and boy oh boy was I shocked! I just don’t remember myself being that big for that long. I thought it was just for a short period of time. I thought it was just old age creeping in, but when I look back through decades of photos, I see a different story. I wish I knew then what I know now. I now eat more food more often! I have more energy! I have more balance! I have a more positive outlook on life! Wishing you all a terrific week of growth, self-love and success! 🌸🌸🌸 . . #grandma #masterathlete #athlete #inspo #fitspo #health #age #agingbackwards #fitover70 #olderwomen #oldermodel #silverhair #bodybuilding #girlswholift #strongwomen #yhhwomen #tscathlete #makeover #transformation #weightloss

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Renegade Rows! These are a great way to get your heart rate up with just a light pair of dumbbells. The key is to maintain a pretty stiff plank while you’re doing them and try to keep the hips from twisting around too much . If you just have light dumbbells go for higher reps like I’m doing here. But you will be winded by the end of it. These are great for training glutes, abs, back, chest, triceps and biceps and even the front delts. 😅😅. What doesn’t get trained with these?! 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope everybody is hanging in there and getting lots of work done around the house. I think I could spend another month easily decluttering the house and the garden shed. My gardens will be the trimmest they’ve ever been for early spring time let me tell you! 🥰🥰 Outfit @womensbest I’m drinking the @womensbest BCAAS in iced tea flavor to help keep my aminos up as I train. If you have any questions please ask in the comments below ⬇️⬇️

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Není jen vzorem, je skutečnou motivací!