A teď si představte další překvapení, když se objeví, že jsou totožné! Jak je nyní rozlišit? Sociologové uvádějí, že takové děti se rodí každých 200 000 000 případů. Takové matky mohou určitě říci, že jejich děti jsou jedinečné.

Chceme se s vámi sdělit o příběh Becky-Joe, která si myslela, že očekává druhé dítě, ale stalo se něco neočekávaného.

23letá Becky-Joe byla v sedmém nebi od štěstí, když se dozvěděla, že je těhotná. Už má dceru, mělo to být druhé dítě. Ale po ultrazvukových výsledcích byla trochu šokovaná, protože se ukázalo, že uvnitř ní bili tři srdce, kromě ní.

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#worldprematurityday . Well In reality my boys were always going to be premature they never had the chance to be a full term baby. The NICU is a place where miracles happen, buts it’s not a place anyone wants to be in . One day your 5 steps ahead and it’s all smooth then boom it’s 10 steps back! Honestly it’s a rollercoaster , I’m blessed that I have my beautiful boys here with me today . As lots of preterm babies don’t make it home which is heartbreaking . However i am extremely grateful for our #nhs as they have amazing life saving equipment that gives #prematurebabies a chance at life . Without it my boys Would not be here today and we are forever thankful for all the amazing staff at @liverpoolwomens . #prembaby #tripletpregnancy #highriskpregnancy #blessed #neonatal #nicu #powerof3 #thankful

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I am forever getting messages about the boys , mainly questions about was they born early , how was your reaction , how didn’t you know they was identical from pregnancy and so on . So I’ve decided to give an insight to our story . I was 9 weeks pregnant when I found out I was expecting three ( I’ll never forget that day). I was giggling uncontrollably and still in disbelief even though I’d seen the screen with 3 little heart beats. From there I was referred to the Fetal medicine unit , which I attended every Wednesday at @liverpoolwomens . There I had my first proper detailed scan which took well over an hour! To find that all three baby’s had their own sacs, water and placenta and diagnosed as fraternal triplets (non identical). Then a couple of weeks later I found out that these little people where all boys 😱😂 I made them check again to make sure they didn’t miss a girl. Then at 29 weeks labour started ... I was ready and prepped for my C-section their was 3 NICU beds waiting for my little miracles. I was given a drug which made me feel like I was on fire and burning inside out which was for the babies as they were going to be 11 weeks early . Then i remember a man coming in and explaining there was an ambulance waiting to take me to Bolton hospital as they had an emergency delivery. So I was then blue lighted down the motorway at 2am in the morning👀. I really didn’t want my babies to be born there , as I had indie at home and how on earth was I supposed to get to Bolton everyday to see them? Anyway they gave me some anti labour drugs to slow down the contractions in the ambulance which worked resulting in the boys not being born at Bolton. However I did have to stay there for 3 nights 🙄. Finally I was sent home and at 31 weeks my contractions started back up and @liverpoolwomens were ready for them this time and at 4.26 , 4.28 and 4.29 AM my little boys made their appearance into the world. There they spent 6 weeks in the neonatal unit which I couldn’t fault @nhsenglandldn , they received the best care I could ever imagine. This photo was actually taken in the NICU! #triplets #tripletsofinstagram #newborn #premmie #babies #nicu #instababies #instababies

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Po narození šla šťastná matka domů s malým Romanem, Rocco a Roanem. Tam si při pohledu na jejich tváře uvědomila, že děti jsou velmi podobné. A všichni kolem ní jí řekli to samé.

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So following my post last night ... when I finally got the boys home and started venturing out with them . I was getting stopped by the minutes and getting the same question “are they identical?” And as a mum I honestly didn’t think they looked one bit alike, but others couldn’t tell them apart or laugh when I said they wasn’t identical. So eventually after 10 months of the same question I though I’m going to get this confirmed that they aren’t identical and prove myself right. It was may and they where 10 Months old and I called a company called @northgene who carried out the test for me and within a fast 2/3 days we had the results. Which confirmed them As IDENTICAl triplets . Well I got my eye wiped that day 🙄😂🙈. However it was a piece of mind and it was a nice surprise and answered everyone’s question. This photo was taken by @jocelyn_conway_photography And I can’t tell them apart on it 😂 ! #tripletsofinstagram #kidsofinstagram #newborn #newbornphotography #twinsandmultiples #newbaby #birthbumpandbeyond #identicaltriplets #anythingcanhappen #mommysofmultiples #bros #bestfriends #miracleshappen #photography

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Zobrazit více

Becky-Joe se rozhodla udělat test DNA. Ve výsledku se ukázalo, že trojčata jsou identická! Byly však počati přirozeně, což samo o sobě je stále velmi vzácné.

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At this stage in their life I was convinced that they were not identical , right now I don’t know who’s who on this picture 🤷🏻‍♀️ little Insight behind the boys story... at pregnancy the boys were confirmed as fraternal (non ID) meaning they all had their own sacs and placentas , however when they were born people would constantly ask were they identical . So when they were around 10 month old I decided to get them tested for a piece of mind . And it turns out they were Identical they were then confirmed as monozygotic triplets 💙💙💙 I guess they like to keep surprising us. To add to it Rocco is a lefty and the other two are both right handed meaning Rocco mirrors one of the others meaning that there is a set of mirror twins in a set of identical triplets ... I don’t know who he mirrors but I would love to know ... #identicaltriplets #triplets #multiples #monozygotic #mirrortwins #babies #love

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Zpočátku se žena obávala, jak je bude rozeznávat. Pak ale všichni začali projevovat svůj charakter a nevznikly žádné problémy.

Becky-Joe říká, že je nejstarší dcera zbožňuje a není žárlivá. Ale nebude pro ni snadné vyrůstat se třemi bratry. Mladší sestra pomáhá matce při výchově bratrů.

Becky-Joe sní o tom, že se stane porodní asistentkou, zejména po všem, čím prošla.

Takové děti jsou opravdu jedinečné. Přejeme rodičům trpělivosti a dětem bezstarostné a šťastné dětství.


Muž se dozvěděl, že není otcem jednoho z novorozených dvojčat: Nyní má mnoho otázek pro vědu a svoji manželku

V roce 2009 porodila Natalie Suleman osm dětí. Jak dnes žena a její osmerčata vypadají