To je kotě jménem Rosy. Ještě nezačalo štěkat, ale už krade jídlo z psí misky a pohání se s místní smečkou. Před několika měsíci Rosy sebrali na ulicích Kalifornie - kotě umíralo zimou a nedostatkem jídla.

Naštěstí, malé zvíře podařilo zachránit, a Rosy se dostala do domu, kde do té doby šťastně žila husky jménem Lilo.

Lilo ne prostě vzala kotě do rodiny, ale i nahradila mu maminku. Husky se chová k němu jako ke vlastnímu štěněti a vychovává ho podle pravidel psí tónu.

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Here Lilo and Rosie are modeling their Bestie Bows from @finnysfinds new line: Lilo's Season of Snowflakes!! #liloandrosie ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ We are very proud to present our Winter launch, Lilo's Season of Snowflakes Collection! This collection features snowflake and holiday themed bows and bandanas that are sure to bring the festivities to your favorite fluffy friend. Patterns range from solids to plaids and prints! Be sure to check out our Etsy ( to see more! @finnysfinds🎀 As to what our mission is, we at Finny's Finds are seeking to fund the many fosters that pass through our home. We rescue, spay/neuter, vaccinate, and place animals into their forever homes. We do not work with a larger rescue group, so the money has always come out of pocket. Specifically though, the proceeds from the Winter Launch, Books, and Calendars will be going towards a special TNR project. TNR stands for "trap, neuter, release" for feral cats. As many of you know, Rosie was picked up as a stray. Her mother and siblings remain feral to this day, along with other members of their cat colony. We will be trapping, fixing, vaccinating, and then releasing (or possibly rehoming if they are not feral) as many as we possibly can during the month of December. Your support will go towards spaying/neutering, vaccinations, crates, food, beds, litter, care, and post care for these feral cats. It is set to be our biggest project to date (a rough estimate of about 10 cats, possibly more) and the whole process will be documented on @finnysfinds . We plan to start mid-December, at which time our store will also be going on hiatus until the end of January. So if you'd like to support a great cause and also get a cute bow for your pet, this could be a win-win for everyone :) Thank you again for everyone's love and support❤️

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Just a kiss goodnight😘 #liloandrosie ------------------------------------------ Reminder❗️Last day to buy Lilo and Rosie's story book @finnysfinds is Monday!! Don't miss out! We likely won't be selling again until February😦 All proceeds will be going towards the spay/neuter of the feral cat colony that Rosie was rescued from!🐱

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A post shared by 🐕Lilo 🐕Infinity & 🐈Rosie (@lilothehusky) on

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