Umění není omezeno. Jessica Jevett, která se narodila se vzácnou vrozenou vadou, to chápe lépe než mnoho jiných lidí. Dnes používá svůj neuvěřitelný talent na pomoc muzeu a připomíná světu, že je schopna dělat, co chce.

Jessica má vrozenou mnohočetnou arthrogrypózu, což je vzácný stav, který způsobuje paralýzu ruku a nohou, ale to nikdy nezabraňovalo dívce v rozvíjení jejích dovedností v umění a historii.

Za svou inspiraci považuje Joshuu Chamberlaina: "Byl zastřelen a střela zasáhla jeho pánev tak, že mu to bránilo žít až do konce jeho dnů,“ vysvětlila. „Ale stále se stal politikem v Maine a prezidentem Bowdoin College."

Apparently I work around obstacles. Sir Noodles has become extra clingy with me since my brother started his new job...

Posted by Jessica Jewett: Indie Author, Artist, Disability Activist on Friday, 24 January 2020

Jessica žije v Atlantě v Georgii a miluje cestování, takže se rozhodla navštívit Maine a podívat se na Chamberlainův dům, který se stal v muzeem. Když dorazila, byla rozrušená, když viděla jeho zanedbaný stav a rychle se rozhodla pomoci.

Protože neměla prostředky na dar, rozhodla se použít své umění. Začala malovat obrazy domu a dávat je na prodej online. Její kresby jsou fantastické. Jsou ještě překvapivější, když si uvědomíte, že dívka drží v ústech všechny své malířské potřeby. Není divu, že se její kresby rychle vyprodaly.

CHAMBERLAIN HOUSE CHARITY ART IN PROGRESS: My spine injury decided I wasn't able to do a lot of work today. I'm...

Posted by Jessica Jewett: Indie Author, Artist, Disability Activist on Tuesday, 7 January 2020

I've written a new blog on my website connected to my latest piece of art. Historical preservation is one of my greatest...

Posted by Jessica Jewett: Indie Author, Artist, Disability Activist on Saturday, 11 January 2020

Každý dolar, který dostane, jde do muzea. Larissa Vig Picardová, jedna ze zaměstnankyni muzea, řekla CBS: "Nenechala svému postižení šanci její zastavit, stejně jako Chamberlain nenechal zastavit"

Jessica, která se rovněž zasazuje o práva osob se zdravotním postižením, doufá, že její fundraisingová mise umožní veřejnosti dozvědět více o osobách se zdravotním postižením. Říká: "Chci, aby ostatní věřili, že i jeden člověk může něco změnit"

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1918 GOUACHE PAINTING IN PROGRESS (2 of 3): Another painting video. It took me awhile to figure out what I wanted to do with her belt and hat, so I ended up looking at a color wheel. That solved my problem. I just went for the complimentary color area of yellows. That would be purples. by this point in today's work, I was getting pretty comfortable with gouache paint. The only thing I really need to work on is a little more contrast on her skirt. The skirt was the first thing I did and I was really nervous about it, so there's not enough contrast. I can go back and add more though. This painting is adapted from a 1913 reference photo into a 1918 influenza pandemic composition that I'm using to sort of memorialize the similar pandemic we're going through now. These women look like they're on a nice stroll going about their business until you look closely and notice they're wearing masks. It reminds me of exactly what's happening now. Stay tuned for those posts! If you're new here, is my shop. My name is Jessica and I'm a portrait artist and psychic medium living in Atlanta. Due to the nature of my disability, all of the art I do is with the tools in my mouth. • #video #paintingvideo #gouache #gouachepainting #instaart #artistoninstagram #covid_19 #covid19 #coronavirus #pandemic #coronaviruspandemic #1918 #spanishflu #influenza #flu #painting #painting🎨 #paint #drawing #dailydrawing #dailysketch #referencephoto #traditionalart #traditionalartist #pencilsketch #portraitart #portraitartist #disabledartist #atlanta #georgia

Posted by Jessica Jewett: Indie Author, Artist, Disability Activist on Thursday, 23 April 2020

CHAMBERLAIN PROJECT DRAWING VIDEO: Now I know why I have wrinkles between my eyes whether I'm relaxed or not. I do that worried face when I'm concentrating. I guess you can say you literally see my creativity in my face! Cookies are baked. They came out pretty well. Now I am hard at work on trying to finish the Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain project to raise money for the preservation and restoration of his home in Maine. This piece of art depicts Chamberlain the night after the Battle of Quaker Road. He's having an intimate moment with his letters from his wife. At Quaker Road, he was almost fatally shot once again. I'm confident I can finish this before I go to bed tonight. I really need to finish it, in fact, because I have several commissions that need to be done plus a painting of the 1918 influenza pandemic. I'm up to my eyeballs in work right now but I'm grateful for it. The challenging part for the remainder of this piece is going to be creating a campfire lighting effect back there in the tent area. I would know how to do it if I was painting or using markers but this is black and white. It's a little bit challenging. I think I'm going to study other artists who have done it to see what techniques they used. And as you can see, my coworker is micromanaging me today. After this, the cat sat right down on @guywgane3 / Chamberlain's face. 🤣 I'll make another post later tonight when I am totally finished with this piece. Fingers crossed that it all turns out well! For more info on the Chamberlain Project, is the blog. If you're new here, I'm Jessica and I'm a portrait artist living in Atlanta. All of my art is done with the tools in my mouth due to the nature of my disability. • #video #drawingvideo #artvideo #gettysburg #appomattox #historicalclothing #historicalpreservation #civilwar #civilwarreenactment #civilwarhistory #drawing #portraitartist #portraitart #portrait #portraitdrawing #pencilartwork #pencildrawing #pencilartist #pencilart #dailysketch #dailydrawing #joshualawrencechamberlain #joshuachamberlain #brunswickmaine #maine #bowdoin #bowdoincollege #disabledartist #atlanta #georgia

Posted by Jessica Jewett: Indie Author, Artist, Disability Activist on Thursday, 30 April 2020

Slečna v podkroví babičky našla telegram a zjistila, že babička byla spojena s 60letým milostným příběhem

Holčička namalovala mamu a ona se urazila: Ne každý chce vidět svůj portrét s neatraktivními detaily